# Version 24.0

I missed 23.0, as I've been busy with work and a baby! Not much has changed between 22.0 and 24.0 though at least as far as this tutorial is concerned.

# Entry point inference

If a shader has only one function labeled with @vertex for vertex shaders, or @fragment for fragment shaders, then Wgpu you don't need to specify the entry point when creating a render pipeline. This means if you do want to specify the entry point, you need to wrap it in an option.

device.create_render_pipeline(&wgpu::RenderPipelineDescriptor {
        label: Some(&format!("{:?}", shader)),
        layout: Some(layout),
        vertex: wgpu::VertexState {
            module: &shader,
            entry_point: Some("vs_main"), // Updated
            buffers: vertex_layouts,
            compilation_options: Default::default(),
        fragment: Some(wgpu::FragmentState {
            module: &shader,
            entry_point: Some("fs_main"), // Updated
            targets: &[Some(wgpu::ColorTargetState {
                format: color_format,
                blend: Some(wgpu::BlendState {
                    alpha: wgpu::BlendComponent::REPLACE,
                    color: wgpu::BlendComponent::REPLACE,
                write_mask: wgpu::ColorWrites::ALL,
            compilation_options: Default::default(),
        // ...

The same applies for compute pipelines.

let equirect_to_cubemap =
    device.create_compute_pipeline(&wgpu::ComputePipelineDescriptor {
        label: Some("equirect_to_cubemap"),
        layout: Some(&pipeline_layout),
        module: &module,
        entry_point: Some("compute_equirect_to_cubemap"), // Updated
        compilation_options: Default::default(),
        cache: None,

# Other changes

  • ImageCopyTexture has been renamed to TexelCopyTextureInfo
  • ImageDataLayout has been renamed to TexelCopyBufferLayout
  • ImageCopyBuffer has been renamed to TexelCopyBufferInfo
  • wgpu::Instance::new() now takes a reference to a &wgpu::InstanceDescriptor
  • wgpu::SurfaceError::Other is now a thing

# Getting WASM to run

I'm not sure if it's specifically a version 24.0 thing, but I had to add some code to the Cargo.toml to get webpack to handle the WASM properly.

# This should go in the Cargo.toml in the root directory
strip = true

If you know why this is required, let me know.

Last Updated: 2/8/2025, 8:21:38 PM